A USC student whose father was a math professor asked me in the middle of a music industry class, when do you stop chasing your dreams?
It’s complicated.
First, you have to have dreams and even early in life people give up on them as unattainable because of the negative influence of those around them. And if you manage to hold on to your dreams, then reality often checks in – student loans, marriage, babies.
The answer is: never stop chasing your dreams.
This doesn’t mean my music student should turn 70 still hoping to be the next hot country artist.
It does mean that we must never give up the things that inspire us the most. Often, different opportunities occur – things we could not have seen in advance. So a performing artist may not be in his future, but this young man would be wise to make sure music was somehow in his life.
When do you stop chasing your dreams?
You know.
This is not a decision to outsource to those around you. It is your decision to make.
Abandon no dream – keep them close by throughout your life at any age.
A life well lived is one in which is driven by our deep dreams and desires and this is a gift not a problem.
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