That’s what the old saying says, but the old saying is wrong.
Nice will soon be the new self-absorption.
We’re getting tired of things being all about me.
Study after study shows that happiness is derived from giving and not receiving.
Giving your time.
Focusing your attention.
Doing kind deeds.
Ironically, no one is truly happy even if they get precisely what they want because often they don’t even know what they really want.
If I am reading this right – and I believe I am – having the courage to be nice, to be honest, to be authentic, to be compassionate – these are advantages that accomplish two important things.
One, you will be happier being the fine person you are instead of the person who you may not want to be for one reason or the other.
And two, you will be more successful because being focused on the other person’s interest is always the way to personal and career success.
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