The author Scott Addington writes: “My purpose became clearly evident after I stopped looking for it”.
In Addington’s case the birth of his daughter.
“Beginning with that moment , there has never been the slightest doubt regarding the purpose and source of meaning in my life”.
Sometimes it is the loss of a job or loss of a relationship that is unexpected.
Often, the very thing we think is our main reason for being turns out not to be.
Doctors who sour on their profession, lawyers who want to do something else and not use their law degree.
This fascinates me in my own journey.
Maybe we don’t have just one true purpose in life. Maybe there are several reasons for us being the person we are.
And as a professor I can also add, maybe the reason is to help others discover the wonder of their skills and abilities.
Never get discouraged that you cannot discover your real meaning of your life. Instead be brave and stop looking.
The answer will make itself evident shortly thereafter.
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(David Brooks did a thoughtful piece in The New York Times recently on searching for purpose. I thought you might like to read it here).
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