Arguments often degenerate into a poorly run debate in which each side sees their goal as trumping the other person’s previous claim.
My mother used to say, “You can never talk a person out of their politics” and was she ever right.
In fact, we may not be able to convince anybody that our position is the right one on many other things.
So, change strategies.
The best way to get someone to listen to our point of view is to acknowledge right up front that we heard something they said that opposes what we believe.
Most people argue to be heard so if we can somehow communicate, “message received” they are more likely to hear us.
Arguments can turn into shouting matches, insults and hard feelings so the goal is to make sure the other person is heard before we speak.
And to be realistic.
You don’t have to “win” an argument; you just have to make your case because if you become the “winner” somebody has to lose.
The best way to win an argument is to avoid it.
The best way to communicate your feelings, thoughts or ideas is to acknowledge the other person’s comments first.
“No one can persuade another to change. Each of us guards a gate of change that can only be opened from the inside. We cannot open the gate of another, either by argument or emotional appeal” – Marilyn Ferguson
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